On June 13, 1955, Bouzid, then the magazine's only woman, edited in its eighth issue an article signed with the pseudonym of Layla and entitled "Call For Emancipation Law." 517 0 obj <> endobj Lacking women, absent from Tunisian press of the period, the magazine folded, but Ben Yahmed had made the acquaintance of Dorra Bouzid, then a student in Paris, and recruited her to relaunch the magazine. Ben Ali later granted a presidential pardon to Rached Ghannouchi, freed on May 14, 1988. In 1976, at the UNFT's sixth congress, he openly declared that: "It is not necessary that woman exercise remunerative activities outside her home. Moreover, the illiteracy rate of women ten years and older declined from 96.6 per cent in 1956 to 58.1 per cent in 1984 to 42.3 per cent in 1994 to 31 per cent in 2004; the masculine rate in 2004 was 21.2 per cent. During a speech delivered in Tunis on February 8, 1961, Bourguiba expressed his opinion on reason's domination above all other means of thought: "There are still people who do not conceive that reason must apply to all things in this world and command all human activity; for these people certain domains, that of religion in particular, must escape the ascendancy of the intelligence. This forced the religious authorities likewise to interpret the Koran in a way that accepted the fact that women could receive an education and participate in the social life of the country. Tunisie, RÉVISION DU CODE DU STATUT PERSONNEL. The Code, to the contrary, instituted a divorce procedure that "could not take place except before a court" which decided "the dissolution of the marriage." Transfert vers Statut des femmes en Tunisie. the new First Lady, Leïla Ben Ali, made more and more public appearances, and, as a spokesperson for her husband, gave regular speeches on the role of women in the country. On August 13, 2003, on the occasion of the 47th anniversary of the Code, the Tunisian League for Human Rights connected to the ATFD stated: "We consider that the complete equality of women and men remains a basic right. 14 et s du CSPT). But then, in behaving this way one destroys at one blow the fervour and veneration that we all owe to the sacred. Nous déclarons nulle et non avenue toute modification ou remises en question des droits de la femme qui sont figurés dans le Code du Statut Personnel. In the same period Shayk Mohamed Fadhel Ben Achour, who was mufti of Tunisia and rector of the University of Ez-Zitouna, issued a fatwa, result of a personal ijtihad. In 1991 a law made compulsory the education of all children. Cette matière devint autonome avec la promulgation du code du statut personnel tunisien (CSP) et de la Moudawwana marocaine. "Is the Tunisian regime feminist from political necessity and pleaded seemingly hollowly to mask its democratic deficit, or from modernist conviction?". 0000006347 00000 n « Ayant été à l’origine du Code tunisien du statut personnel de 1956 et ayant participé directement à la confection et à la rédaction de ses principaux articles selon les directives du président Bourguiba je suis à même de vous dire très exactement dans quel esprit et selon quels principes ce Code a été élaboré… The majority of the religious leaders had benefiting from their own daughters being advantaged by the changes in society. Code du Statut Personnel - Tunisie. He was thus limited to introducing measures against abuses. Qui est en ligne ? On February 9, 1994, "Tunisian Women's Day" was organized by the French senate under the title "Tunisia, an Assumed Modernity." Loi n° 59-77 du 19 juin 1959. Academia.edu is a platform for academics to share research papers. prononcer le divorce (article 31, alinéa 1 du code de statut personnel tunisien). Les personnes successibles sont deux sortes : les héritiers réservataires et les héritiers agnats (aceb). Nevertheless, Islamists continued their project to annul the Code and this so well that its previous acceptance constituted an acceptable condition for the legislation of political parties which had not been in accord with Ennahda. "There will be no challenge and no abandonment of that which Tunisia realized to the benefit of women and the family". The reference to Islam, become almost ritual, even if there was also added the memory of the ancient Carthaginian past of the country in insisting on its cultural diversity, becomes more subdued by referring to speeches given between 1987 and 1989. returning to this speech, three major ideas dominate: praise of achieved and irreversible modernity, recognition of known societal advances, such as the passing of the extended family for the nuclear family, and the necessity to put into practice the advances in legal texts. 0000008248 00000 n Vu Notre décret du 12 juillet 1956 (30 doulhidja 1375), fixant le statut personnel des Tunisiens non musulmans et non israélites, Vu Notre décret du 3 août 1956 (25 doulhidja 1375), portant modification de certains articles du Code tunisien de procédure civile, 5 Cependant le statut personnel ne fut pas intégré dans le code civil, comme c’est le cas dans le droit français, même s’il en faisait partie. 0000001021 00000 n Thus, the dowry, although it does not constitute a cause for divorce in cases of default payment, still exists, the husband's home is the only one that may be considered the family residence and inheritance is completely unequal, as sharia grants to men a share double that of women (one of the rare cases where Islamic law is applied in Tunisia). Il est vrai que le Code du statut personnel tunisien a aboli en Tunisie depuis 1956 la polygamie et la répudiation pratiquée jadis sous forme d’un acte rédigé chez le notaire à la demande de l’époux prévoyant de rompre unilatéralement le mariage qui le lie à son épouse. In Tunisia, the pursuit of political feminism is so very necessary as it constitutes a main argument in the country's favourable image in the West. 0000006191 00000 n Today, donations from living parents to daughters are considered a way to avoid the legal inequality of daughters to inherit. Courts during this period often interpreted the Code in a restrictive manner, refusing, for example, all right of inheritance for non Muslim women in religiously mixed marriages. The first strengthened the residence law to the benefit of mothers caring for children and the second harmonized the minimum marriage age to eighteen years for both sexes; the mean marriage age had reached 25 for women and 30 for men. Transfert vers Statut des femmes en Tunisie. Par Lilia Labidi. Vu Notre décret du 12 juillet 1956 (30 doulhidja 1375), fixant le statut personnel des Tunisiens non musulmans et non israélites, Vu Notre décret du 3 août 1956 (25 doulhidja 1375), portant modification de certains articles du Code tunisien de procédure civile, Vu l'avis du conseil des Ministres, 0000331305 00000 n Bourguiba's successor, Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, did not challenge the Code and himself introduced modifications that reinforced it, in particular with the July 1993 amendment. In August 1994, during a seminar devoted to women and the family, ATFD denounced the ambiguity of power and the use of religion to regulate the condition of women in the country, criticizing chiefly "the patriarchal oppression of women. 0000000016 00000 n The Code formed the theme of an Arabic language documentary "Fatma 75" (1975) by Salma Baccar and produced by the anonymous Tunisian Society for the Production and Distribution of Films. DANS LE NOUVEAU CODE TUNISIEN DU STATUT PERSONNEL (Loi no 59-77 du 19 juin 1959) Le Journal Officiel Tunisien des 23/26 juin 1959, dans sa double edition arabe et frangaise, a publie le texte d'une loi dont l'objet etait d'ajouter un article 143 bis au Livre IX, In total, in 2004 they constituted 26.6 per cent of the work force, although in 1989 they had only represented 20.9 per cent and a mere 5.5 per cent in 1966. - Code du statut personnel - Loi du 3 juin 1966 réaménageant la garde des enfants - Loi du 18 février 1981 modifiant certaines dispositions du code de statut personnel relatives au divorce et à la tutelle. Indeed, although economic growth was not negligible, it did not match other North African countries like Morocco. Article 89. Other measures consecrated the participation of the mother in the conduct of business concerning children and the obligatory consent of the mother for the marriage of her minor child. During a speech delivered on December 26, 1962, Bouguiba stated: "Work contributes to the emancipation of women. The policy of Bourguiba lost its vitality in the 1970s. Bourguiba founded the Union of Tunisian Women in 1956 entrusting to it leadership in favourable publicity for his feminist policy. 1930 to 19341934 to 19391939 to 19451945 to 19491949 to 1956. July 1, 1965 saw a law allowing abortion as much for social as for therapeutic reasons. At the same time, power desired the destabilization of the Marxist left and encouraged the founding of the Association for the Preservation of the Koran in January 1968 which contributed to the birth of the Islamist party Ennahda. Au cours du mariage, cette obligation qui incombe au mari de payer à son épouse la pension alimentaire est encore confirmée par l’article 23 du Code du statut personnel tunisien, modifié par la loi n° 93-74 du 12 juillet 1993, qui dispose que : Le Code du statut personnel (arabe : مجلة الأحوال الشخصية) ou CSP consiste en une série de lois progressistes tunisiennes, promulguées le 13 août 1956 par. Les dispositions du présent chapitre s'appliqueront indifféremment aux interdits qu'ils soient de sexe masculin ou de sexe féminin. Until then women had to accept the husband's prerogative. L'un des époux ne peut revenir durant l'audience de jugement sur l'accord donné en conciliation qu'avec l'assentiment de l'autre conjoint. This sura states that: "It is permitted to marry two, three or four among the women who please you, but if you fear not being just towards them, then only one, or some slaves that you possess. prononcer le divorce (article 31, alinéa 1 du code de statut personnel tunisien). %%EOF If possible, verify the text with references provided in the foreign-language article. (speech delivered by Bourguiba at Tunis on October 15, 1959). 93-66 of July 5, 1993 reaffirmed that: "There can be no discrimination between men and women in the application of the dispositions of the Code. Furthermore, from 1999 to 2004 job creation grew 3.21 per cent for women, with an average of 19,000 created each year. Il porte le nom de Magâlla. Reforms were carried out in 1993. This Code is one of the best known deeds of Habib Bourguiba, who was Prime Minister and later President. Soumettre une succession. In this context, presidential feminism remains ambiguous, as is illustrated by the speech delivered during the UNFT's third congress, held between December 20–29, 1962, in which he declared that he had to protect the family and guarantee to man the faculty of being its head. In this context, on the eve of independence there did not really exist a political movement strictly based on the demand for the rights of women. Soon after a debate held in June 1997 at the European Parliament on the situation of the rights of Tunisian women, some Tunisian women were sent to Strasbourg to give Europe another view of their country. Code du statut personnel (Tunisie) Code du statut personnel. On the occasion of the promulgation of the Code, she wrote, on September 3, 1956 in a special double page of the 56th issue an article titled "Tunisian Women are Adults" with an editorial recalling the collaboration in its production of the two shayks Muhammad Abdu'l Aziz Jait and Muhammad Fadl Ben Achour. 551 0 obj<>stream Existing institutions sustained political parties, and although these rights were the subject of speeches, they were not then among political priorities. Indeed, on this issue he could not refer to the Koran to justify himself, as the text is clear: "To sons, a part equal to that of two daughters." Nevertheless, we are forced to testify that Bourguiba's Tunisia could no more be called secular than Ben Ali's or the rest of the Arab Muslim states, for more than a neutrality of orientation and the religious freedom of the state, secularism implies the autonomy of public and religious institutions. Tunisian women hearing his call unveiled and often asked him to settle disputes with their husbands. Nevertheless, the feminine condition was not then among his priorities and one finds in his actions the same political ambiguity as that which existed with Bourguiba. He managed not to attack equality of the sexes concerning inheritance directly, the Code continuing to consider man the head of the family and expressing the fact that spouses must fulfil their conjugal duties "conforming to usage and custom" which were systematically to the advantage of the masculine interests. 0 0000007001 00000 n 0000005621 00000 n It is also stated that: "material harm would be recompensed (to the woman) in the form of a monthly alimony payment... to the level of life to which she was accustomed during married life, here including residence". CSP – Code du statut personnel tunisien. Les dispositions du présent chapitre seront applicables, nonobstant les exceptions prévues aux autres chapitres du présent code. According to the decrees of March 29, 1956 and October 1, 1958, Zitouna University was closed as were the other madrasses, the official goal being "to progressively suppress all previous types of teaching, unadapted, hybrid or outdated." On August 13, 1992, on the occasion of National Woman's Day, Ben Ali gave a speech renewing Bourguiba's modernism in which he stated: "The rehabilitation of woman, the recognition of her gains and the consecration of her rights in the context of religious values to which our people are proud to adhere." Vu Notre décret du 12 juillet 1956 (30 doul hidja 1375), fixant le statut personnel des Tunisiens non musulmans et non israélites, Vu Notre décret du 3 août 1956 (25 doul hidja 1375), portant modification de certains articles du Code tunisien de procédure civile, Vu l'avis du conseil des Ministres, As early as 1868, Hayreddin Pasha wrote "The Surest Way to an Understanding of the State of Nations" in Arabic. The 1980s are characterized in the same line through an immobility in terms of feminist reforms, with the exception of some advances not negotiable at the beginning of the decade: law no. The Code of Personal Status (CPS) (Arabic: مجلة الأحوال الشخصية) is a series of progressive Tunisian laws aiming at the institution of equality between women and men in a number of areas. Bourguiba later addressed them in a speech: "As you, I am Muslim. And, provoking conservatives, he added: "The defenders of polygamy would have to admit in a spirit of equality that the wife be polyandrous in the event of the husband's sterility. Proclaimed on March 20, 1956, then promulgated on August 13 of the same year (Muharram 6, 1376) by Lamin Bey's beylical decree, the Code came into force on January 1, 1957. From this point of view, the Code was not promulgated under any feminist pressure, that, when it existed, was usually directed to other ideals. Qui est en ligne ? His ruling always inclined in favour of women and "made him all through the long decade of the sixties their tireless defender.". This same court did not rule except in a case brought through the mutual consent of both spouses and in the case of the request of one of the partners as the result of harm of which that spouse was the victim. En Tunisie, le droit de la famille est réglementé par le Code du Statut Personnel. The Code of Personal Status (CPS) (Arabic: مجلة الأحوال الشخصية) is a series of progressive Tunisian laws aiming at the institution of equality between women and men in a number of areas. Même les actes les plus audacieux dans le cadre de la réforme, comme le CSP (Code du statut personnel), ont été accompagnés de justifications à partir d’une interprétation libérale de la loi religieuse. In November 1940, Muhammad Zarrouk founded the first francophone feminist magazine, Layla, which however ceased publication in July 1941, but whose name was taken up symbolically by Bashir Ben Ahmed who, on May 23, 1955, started a magazine "Layla Speaks to You"—later "Feminine Action"—in the fifth issue of his weekly "Action" (later "Africa Action" and finally "Young Action").
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